My GBS Story

Day 120 In Hospital Since Being Diagnosed With Guillain Barre Syndrome

As of today it’s been 120 days in the hospital since being diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome at the Dr. George L. Dumont Hospital in Moncton back in August. Great progress this week but still a long ways to go. I can’t believe it’s been basically 4 months now since becoming ill with GBS.

I have to keep reminding myself how far I’ve come. From being completely paralyzed unable to move, unable to speak, unable to do anything to where I am now. Progress is progress no matter how small it may be. What’s important is I’m still healing and getting better. I might not show much enthusiasm during therapy sessions but I’m happy I’m continuing to improve. Looking forward to more improvements for the months ahead.

My GBS Story

Guillain Barre Syndrome Recovery – A Long Difficult Journey Ahead

Today is day 118 and I realize how far I still have to go to reach my goals despite the progress I’ve been making week to week as I work towards my recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome. They put me in the sling today between the parallel bars and I walked up and down three times each. Today was easier picking up my legs compared to last time. This is so hard and you can’t help but think am I ever going to get there. Am I ever going to walk again? There’s no question on my drive and determination but it’s just crazy how something can take you out in hours but yet can take six months to a year to recover from. This is by far the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to fight through.

Guillain Barre Syndrome Day 118 -What a long road so far and the journey isn’t even close to being over. GBS sucks!

Today it was kind of an eye opener as I know it will be sometime before I’m on my feet unsupported walking on my own again. I’m hopeful that one day I’ll get there and hopefully I’ll get there as fast as I can. To help further my recovery along from GBS I asked them if I could have the bike in my room at night to further increase my physio each day? Hopefully this will help speed up my recovery time. The physiotherapists and the occupational therapists at the Stan Cassidy Rehabilitation Centre here in Fredericton have been very accommodating to my requests for more therapies and session times. I’m here to work and by darn I’m going to give it everything I got. I know my recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome wasn’t going to be a sprint but I am sure as hell going to try. Miss being home so much, this isn’t life. This is a long journey still ahead. GBS is something I wish no one ever has to go through and experience.

My GBS Story

Parents Bring A Little Christmas To Fredericton

My parents decided this weekend they were going to bring a little Christmas with them to Fredericton. They brought up a small little Christmas tree for my room.

My parents know I like Christmas and they know how much I want to be home especially for the kids. It was a nice little tree, the nurses loved it! They always turned it on everyday.

While the parents were here the kids called, just having a video chat on Facebook messenger with them. I’m so happy I can connect with them this way at least. I talk to them every chance I get. Technology nowadays definitely has its benefits.

This Christmas is definitely going to be different, not what I was expecting for sure. This is a time of year that’s going to be tough on me. I can only wish I can be better by then. Now that would make my Christmas!

My GBS Story

Guillain Barre Syndrome Day 114 My First Steps Between Parallel Bars

It’s now day 114 and today was the first day I took my first steps since becoming ill with Guillain Barre Syndrome back in August. The physiotherapists put me in between the parallel bars supported by a sling and I walked all the way up and all the way back. It’s a start! It’s definitely not easy that’s for sure. I know I definitely have a tough road ahead but in time I’m hoping all my hard work and sweat pays off. I only want two things for Christmas this year and walking is one of them. It was nice to see my hard work is paying off considering I was completely paralyzed head to toe. It’s coming…

My GBS Story

Guillain Barre Syndrome Day 111 Increasing My Goals Each Day

Today’s day 111 and I continue to stay focused on beating Guillain Barre Syndrome by increasing my goals each day. I push myself each and everyday by beating what I did the previous day. The harder I work, the faster I get better, the faster I get back home. If there is one thing I do have is determination. I’ve always been a fighter and I will continue to fight.

Well today on the SciFit bike I did 2 miles, hit my goal in 25 minutes. No breaks.. My previous best was 1.5 miles in 22 minutes. My hope is to be walking by Christmas and to be back home for my family. I’m going to give it everything I got to make that happen. That’s my goal!

My GBS Story

Guillain Barre Syndrome Day 107 A Very Disappointing Day

Guillain Barre Syndrome got the best of me today! It’s now day 107 and I attempted to stand up with the bars against the wall from my wheelchair but I was not able to. Today was a day that was a bit disappointing to say the least. I thought that I would’ve been able to as my legs continue to get stronger. I’m happy that I have seen improvements mostly in my legs. I just really thought I could have today.

The reason I thought I could have is because before I did my plasma exchange treatment for five days at the Saint John Hospital, then five more days of IVIG treatments here in Fredericton I didn’t do much on the SCI fit machine. I seen improvements since my treatments in terms of strength, endurance and muscle fatigue was getting better.

When I first went on the SciFit for the very first time I was only doing 0.11 miles then I did 0.18 miles then I did 0.24 miles as my legs couldn’t really push the peddles down that much. This was extremely hard and I thought to myself, wow! This is hard, will I ever walk again and if so I have a very difficult journey ahead of me. This week after my treatments I did 1.0 miles on Tuesday in less than 15 minutes, on Wednesday I did 1.2 miles in 18 minutes and then on Thursday I did 1.5 miles in 22 minutes. I am happy to see these improvements but I was so sure I could have stood up only to realize how difficult it was. I am working my but off up here so hopefully soon. This is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done as I retrain my whole body to work again. Hopefully I’ll be on my feet soon, it can’t come soon enough. Guillain Barre Syndrome really sucks!

My GBS Story

Getting More Movements In My Legs – Slowly Recovering From Guillain Barre Syndrome

While my parents were up today they wanted to see how much I’m able to move my legs now since last time. My legs are moving more now and I’m slowly recovering from Guillain Barre Syndrome. It’s hard to say for sure but the plasma exchange treatments and IVIG treatments must have helped. Hopefully my progress continues.

My GBS Story

Guillain Barre Syndrome Intravenous Immunoglobulin IVIG Treatments Starts Today

Today is the first day for more IVIG treatments for Guillain Barre Syndrome to help with my recovery. This Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy can help people with weakened immune systems or other diseases fight off infections which include Guillain Barre Syndrome. I am scheduled all week for 5 treatments which will be about 3 hrs. each day over at the Fredericton Hospital. While I was in Moncton in the ICU I had received 3 rounds of IVIG each one being 5 day treatments each.

Last week I had received my plasma exchange treatments as the neurologist here in Fredericton thought it was the best option to help with my recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome. The idea was to ensure that all the bad antibodies that could still be in my blood would be removed with the plasma exchange and then introduce good antibodies in my body with the IVIG.

This is day 1, 4 more to go! I’m really hoping to have good results with all these treatments that I’ve been getting to treat Guillain Barre Syndrome. Hoping for the best!