My GBS Story

Guillain Barre Syndrome Day 10 Neurologist “Jamie Boyle Will Recover From GBS“

Guillain Barre Syndrome day 10, a Neurologist came in today and said to my family, “ Jamie Boyle will recover from GBS, he will get better.” Even though nothing is guaranteed in life those words help family members as a way to say it’s okay, everything will work out. He’s fighting and will get through this.

My parents said I had to give consent to tracheostomy by nodding my head. My medications were changed today to relax me as I can’t stay on certain meds too long especially coma medications. I was stable today and lungs were good, I was getting better.

I kept on trying to talk which could hurt my vocal cords. My mouth was very dry. Everyone kept telling me to stop trying to talk. I kept on telling my parents I wanted them to stay with me tonight, as I find the nights long.  Laying there unable to speak, unable to move, unable to communicate makes time go by so slow. My recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome is going to be very slow and long.