My GBS Story

Aspiration Pneumonia Risk, No More Popsicles, No Ice Chips

Better day today, but no more popsicles, no more ice chips for me due to aspiration pneumonia risk.That’s too bad, they were so good. I guess they had never seen that before. My body needed that sugar, it’s almost like my sugar was low. I started coughing more today so no more for me. They are worried I might also aspirate. Aspiration pneumonia risk is also high and I shouldn’t be having them anyways.

Dr. Marrero, the Neurologist in Moncton came in and talked about plasma exchange today if needed after my next IVIG treatment. Plasmapheresis is only done in Saint John and Halifax. I’m still on antibiotics. Another day with no bronchoscopy with camera cleaning,day 3 now, which is good.

Dr. Marrero Neurologist Moncton - Guillain Barre Syndrome Recovery Takes Time - Jamie Boyle GBS
Dr. Marrero Neurologist Moncton – Guillain Barre Syndrome Recovery Takes Time – Jamie Boyle GBS

Eric was the orderly on duty again today and he loved to joke and tell my parents all the time that we were out partying last night. He was a funny guy, always made everyone smile myself included.

During the day my stomach got very hard, it might be gas from the tube feed that I am not agreeing too. Ice chips causing me to burp after having some. Looks like no more popsicles, no more ice chips and therefore back to the sponge with water to dampen the inside of my mouth.

My mother came in today as my father headed to shediac to water my seedless grapes in my greenhouse. With me in the hospital trying to recover from Guillain Barre Syndrome there is so much I’m unable to do. I definitely didn’t want my seedless grapes to die with all the heat in a greenhouse.I’m laying here worrying about other things just not my health. I also have chickens, turkeys and ducks that Cheyenne, the kids, the neighbours and my old friend from school are helping out taking care of them while I’m in the hospital. Happy one less worry I have to worry about. I asked asking about Chris, my brother today which I didn’t realize Chris and Steph had been in. I don’t remember.

With Guillain Barre Syndrome nerve pain it can be quite bad. I received dilaudid for pain at 2:45 pm. Ice cold facecloths were also placed all over my body again today. It was just like my body was on fire, and the facecloths dried as fast as they put them on. I was so tired today…doing more breathing on my own.