My GBS Story

Blood Thinner Injection Enoxaparin Anticoagulant – Prevents Blood Clots Concern With Isagenix Cleanse For Life

Well today my dietician had a concern with my blood thinner injection enoxaparin, anticoagulant, Lovenox, which prevents blood clots because of the Isagenix Cleanse For Life I’m taking. The nurses give me my blood thinner injection Enoxaparin, Lovenox, every night before bed. The concern is with some of the ingredients in the Isagenix Cleanse For Life. It interacts with my blood thinner I’m on. This can cause bleeding. Blood thinners such as Lovenox help reduce the risk of developing Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) blood clots. With the restricted mobility with Guillain Barre Syndrome, blood clots are a concern.

Blood Thinner Injection Enoxaparin Lovenox Anticoagulant Prevents Blood Clots - Concern With Isagenix Cleanse For Life - Jamie Boyle Guillain Barre Syndrome GBS
Isagenix Cleanse For Life ingredients concerns highlighted

The risk is moderate but the risk is there. Who knew how natural ingredients can interact with certain medications. The dietician was telling me about other natural ingredients and even fruit that can interact with medications. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice interacts with many medications. She told me you probably notice you don’t see any in the cafeteria. That’s the reason why! It’s too risky as people are on so many different medications. They don’t have it here for that reason.

Isagenix Cleanse For Life

I was a little disappointed to hear this today. As the Isagenix Cleanse For Life is a part of the whole program. I’ll have to wait until I’m off the blood thinner injections to be able to take it again. So no more Isagenix cleanse for me and metabolism booster till I get off my anticoagulants. I’m impressed though how thorough they were. Making sure what I was consuming was safe for me with the medications I’m on. The doctor and dietician now have both given me information so that I can read more on.

Anticoagulant Antiplatelet Drugs
Anticoagulant Antiplatelet Drugs Concerns with some ingredients in products, example green tea

For now it’s just the Isagenix shakes for me. I have my strawberry cream flavour Isagenix shake every morning with a banana and a yogurt in it too. Taste amazing!! I do however have a new favourite being flavour being the birthday cake Isagenix shakes. Simply delicious! I love taking these everyday and the extra energy it provides me. It helps during the day for all my therapy sessions. More energy as I work on my recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome. In time I’ll be doing the whole program again. Just need to wait to get off my blood thinner injections first.